Well It's September 11th (March Day!)
I chose this photo instead of the traditional twin towers... (Actually it was the default photo on this template and I figured it was put there for a reason.)
Anyway when I see this photo to me it symbolizes what could have been. I left this picture to remind me to never forget to take chances, what could have been if the plane reached DC. Well that's how I feel about the Nama-Stay Project. I've been tossing and turning every night in bed, thinking "How am I going to do this?" "How am I going to gain support?" "What will people think of me?" "What will people make this out to be?"
Then it hit me.... Who Cares? What if I don't go forward with all of this..since I am not sleeping anyway, why not put pen to paper. I Care! That's who cares! How could I live with myself, if every fiber of my being is telling me to do it?! I'm not about living life full of regret, especially when my heart tells me to go forward. No I march! Just like the United States marches on. I march too! We all march together, side by side holding hand in hand. We MARCH to the beat of our own song. We march like the 250,000 people who attended the "I have a dream speech." Im asking you to take my hand and march.
March toward an inspiration of your own. March toward your passion. March toward a better tomorrow, where we have the entire world at our fingertips. I hope when you read about this project you need to make a choice between your head and your heart, and say "Screw the rules" and choose your Authentic self. Back this project because it feels right. Don't do it just for me. Do it for you too! Do it so you can finally break the mold and say I CHOOSE ME!
Do it for the "what could be." Do it for the Dream to march.